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【2024/09/10】 スタッフブログ
Writing time
Every Monday and Tuesday we have  Writing time  in Global Wing.

English alphabet is different and new for kids in Japan, so they need some time to learn it. Writing time is very helpful for it. 

During these 30 minutes, children open their personal worksheets and do some writing tasks. Tasks are designed for different grades and focus on spelling the letters and words in English. Children practice to write English letters, words, and long sentences. 

wt4 wt3


  Teachers help kids during Writing time and give feedback to every student. 


  • If children have a question - they raise their hand, and a teacher checks their work straight away. When everything is written well, the teacher circles the page and cheers the student. If something is not written clearly - a teacher helps a student to understand how to write right.


During one Writing time, a student usually completes 4 pages and one task of the day. Everyone goes at their own pace. 

wt6The task of the day is to find the given words between letters.



In the last 10 minutes of Writing time, the Global Wing teacher explains how to spell the given words and what they mean. Students repeat after the teacher to remember the word better. 


Materials for Writing time are created by Global Wing staff.

【2024/09/10】 アフタースクール










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【2024/09/05】 スタッフブログ
English time games

Besides English lessons with books and writing tasks, there is also “English time” in Global Wing. During this time children could play games, watch videos, and talk with the teacher - and all this is done in English.

The program could be various, the only rule is: that everyone speaks English during English time. So all the instructions are given in English.



This Thursday, we played a game with balls on English time. The rules were simple - to get the ball in the hole by rolling it.


There were 4 rounds:

photo_2024-09-04_06-30-56 1st round - two tables on both sides. If you get the ball in the hole - it's 1 point;


2r 2nd round - one table on one side - 3 points;


3r 3rd round - two tables at both sides, but far away - 1 point


4r 4th round - with no tables - 10 points.



Good for the brain

  • The game could look simple, but it requires children to focus and plan the power of input thinking about the weight of the ball and the destination they want to reach.


After all rounds, we had two winners - winners are cherished by everyone every time with applause, to keep a good team spirit between kids.

photo_2024-09-04_06-36-51 The deck is used to track the points.


About English time

  • English time focuses on and improving children's ability to listen and understand the language. The same game could be done and explained in Japanese, but it is all done in English, so children get used to this language. Naturally speaking with teachers and each other developing in English during English time breaks the fear barrier of speaking a new language in the real world after school.

Games in English could be a good break between studies, and they are important for children.


They listen - they understand - they are not afraid of English

【2024/09/03】 アフタースクール






思いっきりプールを楽しんでGlobal Wingの建物に帰ってきた後は、

みんな疲れてNap time(お昼寝時間)でぐっすり眠っていました。

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